Forums - Magneto vs Storm Show all 57 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Magneto vs Storm ( Posted by Cablescrub on 07:10:2001 05:01 PM: Magneto vs Storm the king of rushdown vs the queen of runaway. who would win? Posted by dhalsim on 07:10:2001 05:07 PM: Storm owns magneto if mag rush down her kick stops him dead in his tracks. also her launcher has range wait for them to lk launch block jus dashin and launch. i give the match to storm. alot of the mag players i play have a big prob w/ her Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 07:10:2001 05:56 PM: yup he's right.. storm pretty much, well i won't say owns.. but if you compare a pro mags to a pro storm.. storm has a much larger arsenal than mags.. if you play a certain way with mags.. there usually is a counter.. Posted by Strider Hiryu on 07:10:2001 06:30 PM: Actually, Mag wins.. Storm cant run from Magneto.... One fuck up and Storm is dead.... Posted by Advent on 07:10:2001 07:44 PM: I think its true that storm can give magneto problems, and im not taking anything away from her rushdown, but mag would win IMO, because in terms of rushdown ability, mags matches her on every point, AND has a full screen dash. a smart magneto player can capitalize on a single mistake. the other thing is that magnus' triangle jump is more effective than storm's because of his j.rk, which has ridiculous priority. hm... storm really needs super bars to do lotsa damage in her ACs, while magneto can do that launch 3-hit,4-hit, airdash uf, 3-hit, 4-hit and (tempest combo/sj.fp->sj.rk/em distruptor). it does sick damage without bar, and builds up two levels to boot... if you can decipher that anyway....i mumble Posted by slimenim on 07:10:2001 08:29 PM: i dont think storm owns mags but it is a very good match. actually storm can run from mags. its not easy, but it can be done. storm can chip with hailstorms, but mags can easily avoid typhoons. mags rushdown is better than storms, but storm can chip. i think i would go with mags though. mags combos are just more effective than storms. Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 07:11:2001 08:54 PM: well nobody is considering that storm can do more things than run.. she can rushdown.. and if mags misses his launch, then she can capitalize with a lighting storm combo of her own.. Posted by Advent on 07:11:2001 09:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by RiX !z Do[]De well nobody is considering that storm can do more things than run.. she can rushdown.. and if mags misses his launch, then she can capitalize with a lighting storm combo of her own.. yeah... but if storm misses her launcher, magneto can capitalize even more, like i posted above, because he has bigger and more damaging combos, even without level... Posted by croe529 on 07:11:2001 09:20 PM: Magneto just cant bring storm down with her runaway. Her standing roundhouse out prioritzes him easily. All storm has to do is build bar by running away and chip him to death. Mag just cant keep up. Posted by MadjaYcD on 07:11:2001 09:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by croe529 Magneto just cant bring storm down with her runaway. Her standing roundhouse out prioritzes him easily. All storm has to do is build bar by running away and chip him to death. Mag just cant keep up. I don't know what the s.roundhouse has to do with her runaway but all you have to do to bring storm down is at the right time activate flight and use hypergravs. Her vertical typhoon is not a problem for his flight (even better if you have the unfly so you can just cancel and reactivate), and her s.hp can't take magneto down. Not hard to take storm down with Magneto. Posted by croe529 on 07:11:2001 09:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by MadjaYcD I don't know what the s.roundhouse has to do with her runaway but all you have to do to bring storm down is at the right time activate flight and use hypergravs. Her vertical typhoon is not a problem for his flight (even better if you have the unfly so you can just cancel and reactivate), and her s.hp can't take magneto down. Not hard to take storm down with Magneto. Her standing roundhouse doesnt have anything to do with her keepaway its justa statement that I said. Her standing roundhouse does out priortize mag and his rushdown. All storm has to do is block the hyper grab land and rejump at a safer time. For one thing mag has lag time after a hyper grab so you can lightning attack him after he finishes depending on your distance, and it still takes time for mag to deactivate fly so you can either retaliate or hyper jump again. A smarter player will not get caught be a hyper grab thrown out in the game. Posted by TS on 07:11:2001 10:32 PM: Storm wins it. For those who don't know, or don't understand: Storm's standing Roundhouse has more priority than pretty much anything Mag has. You wanna jump at me, you're eating a stand Roundhouse as anti-air, and I get a free combo. Or, I just dash at you with my (safe) standing Roundhouse, and you're only options are to block, get hit, or risk me hailing your AAA. Posted by Vonstar on 07:11:2001 10:44 PM: depends on who is playing storm, and who is playing mag. if a scrub is playing with mag, and a pro is playing with storm, who is gonna win? and vice versa. somtimes it even comes down to who can play smarter. its not always the character, its the person playing it Posted by BlackShinobi on 07:11:2001 11:01 PM: Wait a miute Where exactly is storm running magneto is quicker than strom and Magneto can also go past the top of the superjump screen (at least half of his body) A good mageto can easily catch a good runaway storm. She actually stands a much better chance if she just fights him Posted by Dasrik on 07:11:2001 11:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vonstar depends on who is playing storm, and who is playing mag. if a scrub is playing with mag, and a pro is playing with storm, who is gonna win? and vice versa. somtimes it even comes down to who can play smarter. its not always the character, its the person playing it Well, no fucking shit. That's what everyone assumes when we have these kinds of discussions! There's no point to "scrub Storm vs. expert Magneto" debates because we all know the expert is going to win. And Storm's launcher is safe if blocked. It's not even that slow. Whereas Magneto's launcher will get worked if it's blocked and there's no assist available to bail him out. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:12:2001 12:10 AM: Mag wins IMO. Storm can't run from him, his dash is faster, goes longer, his air dash is faster, goes longer, he's got a better triangle jump, and if he so much as lands a short, he can kill her in one air combo. Storm's launcher can't be punished by Mag if it's blocked, but most of the time, it's going to be Magnus who's all up in Storm's grill, and if he doesn't do the launcher after his short gets blocked, he doesn't have to worry about getting punished. Mag vs. anyone one-on-one is pretty much a horrible slaughter-fest in his favor. Posted by *<{MAGNETO}>*21 on 07:12:2001 01:08 AM: MAGNETO WINS PEFRECT! Posted by MadjaYcD on 07:12:2001 01:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by croe529 All storm has to do is block the hyper grab land and rejump at a safer time. For one thing mag has lag time after a hyper grab so you can lightning attack him after he finishes depending on your distance, and it still takes time for mag to deactivate fly so you can either retaliate or hyper jump again. A smarter player will not get caught be a hyper grab thrown out in the game. Exactly, the hypergrav just stalls the runaway. Once she gets in the ground, pound her away with triangles. If she starts up again, repeat the process. You can even superjump airdash and hit her with a hypergrav or an attack as magneto flies all they way up on the screen. If you wanna prevent runaway in the first place, don't start losing early. Get to a good start. Posted by KimMaster on 07:12:2001 02:00 AM: My Magneto beats all the good Storm players...Only because I can do his air combo 100% of the time . Posted by flesh~n~bone on 07:12:2001 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by RiX !z Do[]De well nobody is considering that storm can do more things than run.. she can rushdown.. and if mags misses his launch, then she can capitalize with a lighting storm combo of her own.. yeah thats true but any experienced player knows that after a missed launch you cancel too the em disrupter....i usually just do about 4 or 5 of them after a missed launch while using Sent ground assist for chip oppents usuall try to super jump after the first one and i always catch them...over and over again...... Posted by GeekBoy on 07:12:2001 02:27 AM: Magneto, especially if you triangle jump and take advantage of blocked Typhoons that aren't cancelled. Posted by waldo98 on 07:12:2001 02:43 AM: I love Storm and all but Magneto can kick the crap out of her IMO. Magneto has soo much more deadly combos, especially paired with Psylocke's AAA. Storm can runaway, yet Magneto can catch her. Magneto just has more power and speed against Storm, however, it would be one hell of a match. Posted by cheese_master on 07:12:2001 03:58 AM: This fight depends alot on the assists... but Mag/Psy will most likely beat Storm/Psy. It simple... Psylocke adds way to many options and tricks to Mag's game play. Storm on the other hand does not get an incredible arsenal of tricks with the addition of Psylocke. Also take in account that Storm must land at least two hits to Magneto, Magneto needs only one. One on one... personally I understand that Storm's s RH hinders Mag's Triangle jumping... but it is still risking it... because if you commit to s RH with Storm to stop Mag's Tri Jump and Mag does a cross up triangle jump... well Storm get hit. So it isn't that simple for Storm. IMO take the best Storm and the best Mag players and ask them who they think would win... my opinion is Magneto. Posted by XxElectricxGodsxX on 07:12:2001 04:54 AM: I would say Magneto would win this fight on a one on one fight. I say Magneto is the best one on one character in the game, Storm is good also, but I think Magneto is better(too many possibilities). Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:12:2001 04:56 AM: One on one, Magneto. In a team?... Hmm... Magneto as well. Sure, Storm has the hailstorm. BUT... Magneto has his fucking throws. All the good Magnetos THROW. ONE hp air throw at sj height or ONE corner hk throw OR ONE hk throw + some assists = free combo. And with that many reset combos at his disposal... one free combo usually means at least 70%-100% off your character. If we throw assists in, then Mag gains his attack which has almost as much priority as Storm's launcher. Thing is... I don't see a good Magneto losing this one. Storm has a faster version of the triangle jump... But IMHO, Mag will simply overwhelm her with his attacks. Posted by dhalsim on 07:16:2001 12:27 AM: if storm is jus so weak vs magneto? then y is she ahead of his in gamefaqs poll?? if dash at me you get kicked in the throat. heh well if any 1 who is going to b5 wants to play a mag vs storm no help ect.. jus give me a pm Posted by reDeFyne on 07:16:2001 01:58 AM: My Vote goes to Mags. I thinks he's faster, and can do more without level, even with level, he can continue beating the shit out of storm after a tempest. But storm cant, after a super... Storm kicks ass, but i think mags will kick hers one on one. And i think if there WERE to be a Storm VS Mags match, storm should be rushing down, not trying to run away. Posted by Monkey on 07:16:2001 02:01 AM: Mag wins. Magneto > Storm. Posted by Geronimo on 07:16:2001 05:21 AM: yes, Mags kicks Storm's ass IN RUSHDOWN. Posted by blue_J on 07:16:2001 06:09 AM: to me its all a mader of how well u can play with mag or storm and how good is your oponent Posted by blue_J on 07:16:2001 06:10 AM: there is a way to connect two hails storms it takes massive damage! Posted by g_ngan on 07:16:2001 06:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by blue_J there is a way to connect two hails storms it takes massive damage! but can players do it in a competition?or during a real game? there is lots of combos that can do lots of damamge but will the players be able to do it?that's a problem~ Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:16:2001 06:48 AM: i can kill a storm with my mags.. depends whos storm though Posted by NerenatwaH on 07:16:2001 06:58 AM: Mags isn't all that most of the time. Sure he can rushdown like fuck but he could easily be knocked out of it. Storm's c.hp or would take out Mags triangle jumps. As stated before, Storm's has more priority than any of Mags moves. Dashing. Mags dash is better. Storm could go and wave dash tho. Rushdown. They are equal. The only thing that Storm will have over Mags in this is that Storm can link more hits than Mags can (4 total, 2 air 2 ground) and keep the opponent pinned down longer. Mags has his combos. Runaway. Storm can runaway from anybody. Be it Mags or BH. BH can't reach Storm if she's offscreen, neither can Mags or Commando. Storm wins this. Posted by GhOstDawG on 07:16:2001 07:03 AM: yeah true dat word Posted by Def1n1tely on 07:16:2001 07:16 AM: In a one on one battle i think Storm has the upper hand. You guys are forgetting the fact that Storm's standing roundhouse almost neutralizes Magneto's rushdown to about 50%. Why, because her standing roundhouse has so much reach, priority and speed. If Magneto ever so carelessly try to dash, throw or triangle jump on Storm, he will eat that rh. Its like Mag is sometimes getting magnetically pulled in to her. That stupid lil rh kick of hers gives Mag a hard time closing in (and i hate it!!! )And Magneto cant punish her for that. Which means Storm is better of at duking it out with Mag one on one, instead of running away. Storm can chip as well with hailstorms, if she gets lucky she might hit him with it too. And also, no expert Storm players will just randomly throw out typhoons without canceling it. And Storm should never do Vertical typhoons on Mag one on one. Mag is just too fast for that. A pretty good way for Mag to beat Storm one on one is if she ever super jumps. If Storm super jumps then she loses that S.rh kick of hers. And mag will feel more safer of trying to catch up to her. P.S. nice topic to whoever made this thread Posted by jasonC on 07:16:2001 01:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by flesh~n~bone yeah thats true but any experienced player knows that after a missed launch you cancel too the em disrupter.... you could also cancel to the force field to stop that s.RH of hers. You could probably do this once or twice, before your opponents wises up. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:16:2001 02:06 PM: No Storm cannot run from anyone. She can't run from Magneto, Sentinel, or Capcom AAA. And even if Storm's launcher has good priority, all Magneto has to do is a cross-up triangle jump, and the launcher will miss, and Storm will get hit. It takes Storm at the very least two air combos into Lightning Storm to kill Magneto, all Magneto has to do is land a short, and he can kill her in one air combo using no supers. And let's not forget Mag's throws, one HK throw in the corner = death. One HP throw at SJ height = death. Posted by NerenatwaH on 07:16:2001 04:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical No Storm cannot run from anyone. She can't run from Magneto, Sentinel, or Capcom AAA. And even if Storm's launcher has good priority, all Magneto has to do is a cross-up triangle jump, and the launcher will miss, and Storm will get hit. It takes Storm at the very least two air combos into Lightning Storm to kill Magneto, all Magneto has to do is land a short, and he can kill her in one air combo using no supers. And let's not forget Mag's throws, one HK throw in the corner = death. One HP throw at SJ height = death. Storm can run from CapCom AAA. If she's offscreen it doesn't reach her. Storm can run from Sent. As long as she is above him her sj.hp will knock Sentinel out of flight, causing him to unfly and get hit yet again. Storm can run from Mags. Again, if she's above him her sj.hp will knock him out of anything he does (excpet maybe cancel a hyper grav to tempest). If she's out of screen then he can't reach her. For Mags to super jump cross up over a then he'll have to do it from a distance. From that distance it's most likely he won't be able to reach to do the cross up. Also, Storm's c.hp has more priority than Mag's,, etc. If the Storm can mash well. Then it'll take more than 2 combos to kill Storm using Mags. Posted by KimMaster on 07:16:2001 04:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by NerenatwaH Storm can run from CapCom AAA. If she's offscreen it doesn't reach her. Storm can run from Sent. As long as she is above him her sj.hp will knock Sentinel out of flight, causing him to unfly and get hit yet again. Storm can run from Mags. Again, if she's above him her sj.hp will knock him out of anything he does (excpet maybe cancel a hyper grav to tempest). If she's out of screen then he can't reach her. For Mags to super jump cross up over a then he'll have to do it from a distance. From that distance it's most likely he won't be able to reach to do the cross up. Also, Storm's c.hp has more priority than Mag's,, etc. If the Storm can mash well. Then it'll take more than 2 combos to kill Storm using Mags. CapCom's AAA will hit storm, if she's off the screen, why not wait like 2 seconds to her to fall where's she is ON the screen? DUH!! Don't forget CapCom's AAA with Sentinel!!!! Fly,Call Capcom,fly up to where Storm is blocking, stomp the hell out of storm! So my opinion is...Magneto beats Storm(just because I always beat her when I play ). Posted by Naslectronical on 07:16:2001 07:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by NerenatwaH Storm can run from CapCom AAA. If she's offscreen it doesn't reach her. Storm can run from Sent. As long as she is above him her sj.hp will knock Sentinel out of flight, causing him to unfly and get hit yet again. Storm can run from Mags. Again, if she's above him her sj.hp will knock him out of anything he does (excpet maybe cancel a hyper grav to tempest). If she's out of screen then he can't reach her. For Mags to super jump cross up over a then he'll have to do it from a distance. From that distance it's most likely he won't be able to reach to do the cross up. Also, Storm's c.hp has more priority than Mag's,, etc. If the Storm can mash well. Then it'll take more than 2 combos to kill Storm using Mags. Capcom AAA will hit her when she's off the screen. I've done it before. And even if it doesn't, Storm can't stay off of the screen forever. Sentinel's jumping HP outprioritizes Storm's. Sentinel's flight mode is far superior to whatever Storm can do in the air. Even if his jumping HP doesn't hit Storm, it will bring her down. She can't run from Magneto. It's unlikely she'll ever get off of the ground, what with his superior rushdown, and not to mention his ground dash is faster and goes further, and his air dash is faster and goes further. It's not that hard for Mag's to crossup with triangle jump hk. Storm's launcher will might beat Mag's j. lk, but if he triangle jumps, it will trade hits with it, and a crossover will hit Storm. It will not take Magneto two air combos to kill Storm. Magneto has reset combos that kill you without using supers at all. One air combo. Magneto vs. anyone one-on-one is a killing. Posted by Def1n1tely on 07:16:2001 09:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Capcom AAA will hit her when she's off the screen. I've done it before. And even if it doesn't, Storm can't stay off of the screen forever. Sentinel's jumping HP outprioritizes Storm's. Sentinel's flight mode is far superior to whatever Storm can do in the air. Even if his jumping HP doesn't hit Storm, it will bring her down. She can't run from Magneto. It's unlikely she'll ever get off of the ground, what with his superior rushdown, and not to mention his ground dash is faster and goes further, and his air dash is faster and goes further. Yur right about how Storm cant run from Magneto, Sentinel, CapComAAA. Come to think of it, she cant runaway from other more characters, like Dhalsim and Spiral. quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical It's not that hard for Mag's to crossup with triangle jump hk. Storm's launcher will might beat Mag's j. lk, but if he triangle jumps, it will trade hits with it, and a crossover will hit Storm. It will not take Magneto two air combos to kill Storm. Magneto has reset combos that kill you without using supers at all. One air combo. Magneto vs. anyone one-on-one is a killing. But I still remain with my opinion.If its not one on one then thats a different story. But in a one on one against Mag, Storm has the upper hand. I dunno if u know bout this but her s.rh is the perfect counter for Mag. That move is like her having Psylocke AAA. In fact I think her s.rh is a better counter against Mag than Psylocke AAA. Cuz its quicker and she can abouse it on Mag. So when yur rushing down Storm u have to think of the fact that even if she has no AAA, she still has that kick. Unless Mag is careful, if he ever tries to triangle jump, he might eat that s.rh of hers. And I think Mag will have a hard time trying to throw her on the ground. Cuz that kick will probably prevent him from ever closing in. Unless Storm jumps then thats where Mag could follow her and throw her. Basically Storm has the upper hand against Mag in a one on one. But Storm has to be played flawlessly and try not to panic when Mag closes in. One slip up and shes practically dead. Posted by CHEAPSHIET on 07:16:2001 09:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by Strider Hiryu Actually, Mag wins.. Storm cant run from Magneto.... One fuck up and Storm is dead.... so true, its that damn hypergrab and corner trap throw, if you tech you still lose. damn magneto and his guardbreak corner traps and iron man. Posted by dhalsim on 07:17:2001 12:02 AM: storm wins this easy like i said. also for those of u who need 2 know to mash outta tempest whenm u here the hyper start mashing when u here the tempest block works 80% of the time ^^ Posted by Naslectronical on 07:17:2001 12:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Def1n1tely But I still remain with my opinion.If its not one on one then thats a different story. But in a one on one against Mag, Storm has the upper hand. I dunno if u know bout this but her s.rh is the perfect counter for Mag. That move is like her having Psylocke AAA. In fact I think her s.rh is a better counter against Mag than Psylocke AAA. Cuz its quicker and she can abouse it on Mag. So when yur rushing down Storm u have to think of the fact that even if she has no AAA, she still has that kick. Unless Mag is careful, if he ever tries to triangle jump, he might eat that s.rh of hers. And I think Mag will have a hard time trying to throw her on the ground. Cuz that kick will probably prevent him from ever closing in. Unless Storm jumps then thats where Mag could follow her and throw her. Basically Storm has the upper hand against Mag in a one on one. But Storm has to be played flawlessly and try not to panic when Mag closes in. One slip up and shes practically dead. And that's exactly why Magneto has the advantage. storm has to play a perfect game. It would take about 3 air combos into Lightning sTorm to completely kill Magneto, where as all Mag has to do is land a short and he can kill her in one air combo without using any supers at all. Nobody can possibly block or counter everything that Magneto has in his arsenal %100 of the time. Once Magneto starts his rushdown, there's about 7 or 8 different things he can do. It's only a matter of time before Storm slips up and gets hit, and then she dies. Posted by Def1n1tely on 07:17:2001 12:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Once Magneto starts his rushdown, there's about 7 or 8 different things he can do. Yur right, Mag has a complete arsenal with him when he rushes down. But that doesnt mean storm doenst have them either. Storm doesnt need to do her basic lightning attack combo. I know its weak but she has her own combo bufferings too. Just like Mags. Her rushdown may not be as solid or as fast but she has em too. EX: 1.launch, j.hp, dash down,,, lightning attack, lightning super (takes off about 50% life) Her Combo resets: 1.launch, j.lp,,,, dash diagonally down behind them, (they're gonna have to block the other way) lightning attack up diagonal, cancel to lightning super 2.launch, j.hp, dash down,,, land, dash under them to other side, launch......... just like mag, if storm gets u in one launch, she can deal major damage. so just cause storm cant make any mistakes on mag doesnt mean mag can afford on making mistakes on her. but the thing is, mag is more likely to make a mistake on storm, than storm is making a mistake on mag. trust me, fighting against a solid storm is like hell! Posted by Naslectronical on 07:17:2001 12:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by Def1n1tely so just cause storm cant make any mistakes on mag doesnt mean mag can afford on making mistakes on her. but the thing is, mag is more likely to make a mistake on storm, than storm is making a mistake on mag. trust me, fighting against a solid storm is like hell! Magneto will hit Storm before he makes a mistake. A simple triangle jump in deep HK, land, c. lk, c. hp, sj. hk, air dash down to forward, lk, lk, land, rejump, hk throw That's about 50%-60% not involving a super. And if he gets that combo off in the corner, he can follow it up with , c. lk, c. hk, Hypergrav XX Tempest/Magnetic Shockwave That would be about 85% of Storm's life gone. Tempest on the ground comes out faster and is extremely hard to mash out of. Storm wouldn't even be able to rush down an expert Magneto. He'd constantly be all over her like ants on a candy bar. Her only hope would be to catch Magneto with her S. HK launcher. And in that case, it doesn't always beat Magneto's jump-ins. The angle at which Magneto jumps in, where Storm is, when she does the S. HK, when Magneto HK's. There's plenty of things Magneto can do to get around Storm's launcher. She can't possibly time it perfectly everytime to knock Magneto out his triangle jump. Sooner or later, she's going to be hit, and when that happens, she loses atleast 70% of her life, if not dies. Posted by dhalsim on 07:17:2001 07:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical And that's exactly why Magneto has the advantage. storm has to play a perfect game. It would take about 3 air combos into Lightning sTorm to completely kill Magneto, where as all Mag has to do is land a short and he can kill her in one air combo without using any supers at all. I would like to see storm die in 1 air combo w/ out a super!!! Posted by reDeFyne on 07:17:2001 07:42 AM: Yeah, me too. Posted by DarthSalamander on 07:17:2001 08:06 AM: I say Mags would win more then lose but: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Magneto will hit Storm before he makes a mistake. A simple triangle jump in deep HK, land, c. lk, c. hp, sj. hk, air dash down to forward, lk, lk, land, rejump, hk throw That's about 50%-60% not involving a super. That combo doesn't even do 50%. Try it out if you don't believe me. Why would you do Shockwave in the corner any way? I also would like to see this 100% with Mags that involves no supers. Posted by cheese_master on 07:17:2001 08:14 AM: Mag's one of many solutions to the Standing RH... just out of s RH range... SJ straight up... airdash forward instead of d/f just above Storm's head... if she s RH... she will get hit by Mags... if she tries to c HP it will miss... and Mag can sj HP free hit... jesus... do u honestly think people can just Triangle jump with Magneto (okay they do usually... but thats when he has assists). Plus... Mag has his s RH and his s FP... both of which help him with range. U guys make it out like all I would do with Mags on storm is triangle jump and try to launch... in a one on one fight... those isolated hits count as well. Storm can just sit their s RH or c HP the whole day... if she does... then she will lose. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:17:2001 02:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander I say Mags would win more then lose but: That combo doesn't even do 50%. Try it out if you don't believe me. Why would you do Shockwave in the corner any way? I also would like to see this 100% with Mags that involves no supers. Ok, that first combo was done on Strider and it did 50%. On Storm it would do about 40%. But with the second combo, the Shockwave wouldn't be done in in the corner. After the c. lk, c. hk, Hypergrav, you just let the Hypergrav hit, don't cancel it, then you do the Shockwave. When you let it hit, Magneto will be facing away from the corner, and his opponent will be in front of him. In other words, when Magneto does the Shockwave, his back is to the corner and his opponent is in front of him, meaning that the shockwave will travel full screen and do maximum damage. The combo is like this: (corner) jump in hk, land c. hp, sj. hk, air dash down to forward, lk, lk, land, rejump, hk throw, c. lk, c. hk, Hypergrav(don't cancel it, let it hit, Magneto will turn around so that he's facing away from his opponent), Magnetic Shockwave As for the 100% air combo not involving any supers, it's called a reset combo. You "reset" the combo meter so that the damage modifier doesn't come into effect as much, allowing the attacks to do more damage as the combo progresses, as opposed to less There really isn't any specific way to do it. You can do it with throws, air dash crossups, high-low crossups, assists, etc... The above combo is a reset combo, the throw resets the combo meter from the previous 5 hits so that the damage modifier doesn't affect the Hypergrav and Magnetic Shockwave, so you get more damage. Yes, that one involves a super, but there are more that don't involve any supers, and completely kill a character. Posted by DarthSalamander on 07:17:2001 11:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical As for the 100% air combo not involving any supers, it's called a reset combo. You "reset" the combo meter so that the damage modifier doesn't come into effect as much, allowing the attacks to do more damage as the combo progresses, as opposed to less There really isn't any specific way to do it. You can do it with throws, air dash crossups, high-low crossups, assists, etc... The above combo is a reset combo, the throw resets the combo meter from the previous 5 hits so that the damage modifier doesn't affect the Hypergrav and Magnetic Shockwave, so you get more damage. Yes, that one involves a super, but there are more that don't involve any supers, and completely kill a character. I know what a reset combo is. However reset combos are escapable. You can't say for sure that if Storm gets hit she dies, simply because you can get out of reset combos(tech hits, blocking the right way). I don't consider them a true 100%. People catch on to these things. tT MidWest I already saw people getting around C.fierce Sj.Roundhous Ad.short Ad.forward land dash under c.short and teching all sorts of throws options. People even mash out of hyper grav combos with no tempest inolved. Therefore there isn't a 100%. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:17:2001 11:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander I know what a reset combo is. However reset combos are escapable. You can't say for sure that if Storm gets hit she dies, simply because you can get out of reset combos(tech hits, blocking the right way). I don't consider them a true 100%. People catch on to these things. tT MidWest I already saw people getting around C.fierce Sj.Roundhous Ad.short Ad.forward land dash under c.short and teching all sorts of throws options. People even mash out of hyper grav combos with no tempest inolved. Therefore there isn't a 100%. Dude, they aren't that escapable. First of all, no one tech hits more that 30% of the time. Not Duc, not Valle, not Viscant, nobody. In that SHGL video Viscant threw that poor guy to death. Out of the 15 throws in that match, he tech hitted twice. People tech hit when they know a throw is coming(not even all of the time then), and with Magneto, you never know when it's coming. There are about 6 things Magneto can do in a reset combo. There's no way you can consistently block all of that stuff. Even if you do manage to block the right way, Mags will have already taken atleast half of your life by the time you do. Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 07:18:2001 06:51 PM: storm would win Posted by jmmwestwood on 07:19:2001 05:19 AM: It's NOOOOOOOOO question....Storm OOOOOOOWNS Magneto. I dotn give a fuck if he's triangle jumpin or whatever. My Storm failed geometry, so she doesnt even know what that is! All she knows is RH...hehe. But storm's reach is overpowering to Magneto and she doesnt have the lag he does. Plus she can stop all that triangle shit with 1 kick. As long as you stay active with her, she will always win. Posted by dhalsim on 07:19:2001 08:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by jmmwestwood It's NOOOOOOOOO question....Storm OOOOOOOWNS Magneto. I dotn give a fuck if he's triangle jumpin or whatever. My Storm failed geometry, so she doesnt even know what that is! All she knows is RH...hehe. But storm's reach is overpowering to Magneto and she doesnt have the lag he does. Plus she can stop all that triangle shit with 1 kick. As long as you stay active with her, she will always win. I agree storm is jus to much for mag to handle. magneto is good and can beat alot of people 1v1 but storm is not 1 of those people All times are GMT. The time now is 09:17 PM. Show all 57 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.